Signatures collected by the Haiti Support Group as of 30 April 1999


Signatures. The Haiti Support Group has coordinated the collection of signatures for the Campaign from individuals and organisations outside North America and the Caribbean. At 30 April 1999, the total of signatures collected was as follows: GRAND TOTAL = 3,100 individuals + 28 organisations

852 individuals and 13 organisations (including Broederlijk Delen, NCOS, and Vlaams Haiti Overleg = Flemish coordinating work group on Haiti).

1,523 individuals and 4 organisations – Collectif Haiti de France, Chretiens pour Haiti, Cimade – service oecumenique d’entraide, and Comite Catholique contre la Faim et pour le developpement.

England, Scotland and Wales
732 individuals (including Harold Pinter (playwright), Ian Thomson (author), Ken Coates, Stan Newens, Simon Murphy ,and Glenys Kinnock – all members of the European Parliament) and 5 organisations – Haiti Support Group, ActionAid, The Catholic Institute for International Relations, War on Want, and Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund.

753 individuals

48 individuals and 5 organisations – Plat-Forme Haiti de Suisse, Missionaires Laiques, Bourse a Travail, Groupe Volontaires Outre-Mer, and Eirenne branche Suisse.

Two organisations – Cohan (Comite Haitiano-Neerlandaise) and the Clean Clothes Campaign

20 individuals

7 individuals

1 individual

In addition:
2 individuals from Syria, 2 from USA, 1 each from South Korea, Hong Kong (China) and Egypt

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