unwanted-giftsSince 1992, the Haiti Briefing has provided our members, ardent Haiti watchers and decision-makers with in-depth analysis of Haiti’s development issues, reflected through the voices of popular organisations on the ground.

The Haiti Briefing is available in English, French and Spanish, is the key publication of the Haiti Support Group. The Briefing covers a broad number of themes covering contemporary issues of interest in Haiti.

Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists. We are always looking for new writers and contributors so please click here to contact a member of our editorial team.

You can search our Haiti Briefing archive using specific keywords below:

Browse all our Haiti Briefings here!

Unwanted Gifts: A Concise History of Harming Haiti (HB81)
Unwanted Gifts: A Concise History of Harming Haiti (HB81)
By Antony Stewart & Eve Hayes
Unwanted Gifts: A Concise History of Harming Haiti Antony Stewart and Eve Hayes de Kalaf (eds) In October...

An Electoral Farce: But Who Is Laughing? (HB80)
An Electoral Farce: But Who Is Laughing? (HB80)
By Andy Leak
Today marks the sixth anniversary of the Haiti earthquake and the country's future is looking bleaker...

New Pirates of the Caribbean (HB79)
New Pirates of the Caribbean (HB79)
By Eve Hayes
These are exciting times for foreign investors in Haiti with their eyes on the prize; business is booming...

Les nouveaux pirates des Caraïbes (HB79)
Les nouveaux pirates des Caraïbes (HB79)
By Eve Hayes
Les yeux fixés sur le butin, les investisseurs étrangers en Haïti vivent des moments grisants...

Duvalier Departs, but Martelly’s Duvalierism Marches On: Who Needs Elections? (HB78)
Duvalier Departs, but Martelly’s Duvalierism Marches On: Who Needs Elections? (HB78)
By Andy Leak
We are now fast approaching the fifth anniversary of the 12 January 2010 earthquake. In many ways, it...

Undermining accountability in the new gold rush: The Miners Next Door (HB77)
Undermining accountability in the new gold rush: The Miners Next Door (HB77)
By Eve Hayes
Claire Lauterbach; Andy Leak and Eve Hayes de Kalaf (eds) Haiti’s government heralds recent discoveries...

Les Mineurs d'à Côté (HB77)
Les Mineurs d'à Côté (HB77)
By Eve Hayes
Le gouvernement haïtien mise sur les récentes découvertes d’or et d’argent de son côté de...

Apatride aux Caraïbes (HB76)
Apatride aux Caraïbes (HB76)
By Eve Hayes
« J’ai 28 ans et… je n’y suis jamais allée [en Haïti]. Je ne sais pas comment c’est…je n’y...

Apátridas en el Caribe (HB76)
Apátridas en el Caribe (HB76)
By Eve Hayes
Juliana Deguis Pierre, hija de haitianos, nacida y criada en RD, había luchado por conseguir de...

Stateless in the Caribbean (HB76)
Stateless in the Caribbean (HB76)
By Eve Hayes
Stateless in the Caribbean. In 2013 the Dominican Republic Constitutional Court rescinded the...

Building Back Failure – Bigger But No Better Caracol: None of Your Business (HB75)
Building Back Failure – Bigger But No Better Caracol: None of Your Business (HB75)
By Andy Leak
Haiti Briefing 75 analyses the situation at the Caracol Industrial Plant, a $424,000,000 assembly-plant...

Caracol : c’est pas vos affaires (HB75)
Caracol : c’est pas vos affaires (HB75)
By Andy Leak
Le cumul des échecs : plus grand mais pas mieux ...

Immune. Immoral. Illegal? - UN Special Envoy on Cholera: “Silence is the Worst Response” (HB74)
Immune. Immoral. Illegal? - UN Special Envoy on Cholera: “Silence is the Worst Response” (HB74)
By Andy Leak
Haiti Briefing 74 - The UN response to the Cholera Epidemic a Murderous Charade Haiti Briefing 74 concentrates...

Immunité. Immoralité. Illégalité? (HB74)
Immunité. Immoralité. Illégalité? (HB74)
By Andy Leak
L’envoyé Spécial de l’ONU sur la question du Choléra: « Le Silence est la Pire des Réponses...

A Better Class of Dictator? (HB73)
A Better Class of Dictator? (HB73)
By The Haiti Support Group
p1-4 Three years after the earthquake of January 12, 2010, Haiti paused last month to remember and...

Un dictateur plus classe ? (HB73)
Un dictateur plus classe ? (HB73)
By Andy Leak
Révolte contre les mensonges et les illégalités   ...

Haiti's Hunger Games: Food Policy Disaster Bites Hands that Feed (HB72)
Haiti's Hunger Games: Food Policy Disaster Bites Hands that Feed (HB72)
By Phillip Wearne
One mamit (5.75lb tin) of rice now costs 150 Haitian gourdes (approx ₤2.24 or $3.57), 50% up since...

L’Enjeu de la Faim en Haïti (HB72)
L’Enjeu de la Faim en Haïti (HB72)
By Phillip Wearne
Le Désastre d’une Politique Alimentaire qui s’en prend aux Producteurs ...

Wanted: An Agenda for Change (HB71)
Wanted: An Agenda for Change (HB71)
By The Haiti Support Group
The report slipped out almost unnoticed and it is still hard to find (see

Recherche agenda pour le changement (HB71)
Recherche agenda pour le changement (HB71)
By The Haiti Support Group
Le développement européen : trouver la bonne voie ...

Truth Out, Dying Season In (HB70)
Truth Out, Dying Season In (HB70)
By The Haiti Support Group
Has the UN’s intestinal worm turned? On an inspection of the solar energy capacity of the new teaching...

Adieu Vérité, Bonjour Saison Mortelle (HB70)
Adieu Vérité, Bonjour Saison Mortelle (HB70)
By The Haiti Support Group
La Réponse de l’ONU au Choléra : Mépris, Mystifications et Mauvaise Volonté ...

Beyond Relief, Beyond Belief: Deconstructing the IHRC's Reconstruction (HB69)
Beyond Relief, Beyond Belief: Deconstructing the IHRC's Reconstruction (HB69)
By The Haiti Support Group
p1-4 As they quaffed champagne in their Port-au-Prince headquarters on Harry Truman Boulevard, the...

Un incroyable fiasco (HB69)
Un incroyable fiasco (HB69)
By The Haiti Support Group
Déconstruction de la Reconstruction de la CIRH ...

Nou Bouke Viv Anba Tant (HB68)
Nou Bouke Viv Anba Tant (HB68)
By The Haiti Support Group
We're fed up of living in tents! Nou Bouke Viv Anba Tant The sit-in that blocked the road in front of...

Victims Become Victims – Again (HB67)
Victims Become Victims – Again (HB67)
By The Haiti Support Group
Amass of torn tarpaulins, broken stakes and a jumble of personal possessions – it looked like an early...

Petrol Price Rise Fuels Discontent (HB48)
Petrol Price Rise Fuels Discontent (HB48)
By The Haiti Support Group
In January, the cash-strapped Haitian government bowed to pressure from the International Monetary Fund...

Long Hot Summer for Aristide (HB47)
Long Hot Summer for Aristide (HB47)
By The Haiti Support Group
The government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, which came to power with a landslide electoral victory...

Suffering from Sanctions, Again (HB46)
Suffering from Sanctions, Again (HB46)
By The Haiti Support Group
The Haitian economy is more than just on its knees - it's now a matter of skin and bones. Sanctions against...

Danger Signs After Coup Bid (HB45)
Danger Signs After Coup Bid (HB45)
By The Haiti Support Group
Political tensions deepened and violence flared following an apparent coup attempt against the government...

Feeling the Fallout from the attacks on the US (HB44)
Feeling the Fallout from the attacks on the US (HB44)
By The Haiti Support Group
The United States' declaration of a "war on terrorism" following the 11 September attacks was met with...

Time for the 'Politicians' to Step Aside (HB43)
Time for the 'Politicians' to Step Aside (HB43)
By The Haiti Support Group
Diplomatic missions have come and gone. Eleventh hour meetings have been boycotted; others have been...

A Full House but Nobody Home (HB42)
A Full House but Nobody Home (HB42)
By The Haiti Support Group
Almost one year since elections that returned a Parliament completely dominated by President Aristide's...

Aristide is Back (HB41)
Aristide is Back (HB41)
By The Haiti Support Group
Ten yearssince he was first elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide has returned to power following...

Solidarity Boosts Union Action (HB40)
Solidarity Boosts Union Action (HB40)
By The Haiti Support Group
After a year-long campaign, the labour union representing some 300 workers at the Marnier-Lapostelle...

Scale of Lavalas Victory Questioned (HB39)
Scale of Lavalas Victory Questioned (HB39)
By The Haiti Support Group
The May 21st elections returned a huge victory for Jean-Betrand Aristide's new, populist Lavalas Family...

Chronicle of an Election Postponed (HB38)
Chronicle of an Election Postponed (HB38)
By The Haiti Support Group
Elections for every single elected office in Haiti, save the Presidency and a third of the Senate, have...

Unwelcome, Unwanted: Haitian Migrant Workers (HB37)
Unwelcome, Unwanted: Haitian Migrant Workers (HB37)
By The Haiti Support Group
When a boat carrying some 400 Haitians ran aground just two miles off the Florida coast on New Year's...

Death and Confusion - who Controls the Police? (HB36)
Death and Confusion - who Controls the Police? (HB36)
By The Haiti Support Group
The question of criminal and political violence in Haiti has raised a great deal of controversy since...

Doing the Election Dance (HB35)
Doing the Election Dance (HB35)
By The Haiti Support Group
In 1990, the majority of Haitians were enthusiastic voters, but then saw their elected candidate overthrown...

Sowing the Seeds for a Grassroots Revival (HB34)
Sowing the Seeds for a Grassroots Revival (HB34)
By The Haiti Support Group
These are dark days in Haiti. The promise of economic renewal funded by international development aid...

Fed Up with Violence (HB33)
Fed Up with Violence (HB33)
By The Haiti Support Group
In Creole, there are many ways to express a dilemma. But these days, most Haitians would probably tell...

Collapse of Parliament Heralds Aristide Comeback (HB32)
Collapse of Parliament Heralds Aristide Comeback (HB32)
By The Haiti Support Group
The political crisis, simmering for the best part of two years, finally came to the boil in January....

Old Tricks, New Dog: US 'Democracy Enhancement' (HB31)
Old Tricks, New Dog: US 'Democracy Enhancement' (HB31)
By The Haiti Support Group
It is common knowledge that the United States uses covert operations and the Central Intelligence Agency...

Hurricane George - Coup de Grace (HB30)
Hurricane George - Coup de Grace (HB30)
By The Haiti Support Group
Rain brought by Hurricane George began to fall on the treeless mountainsides of Haiti on September 22....

US Makes a Mockery of Justice (HB29)
US Makes a Mockery of Justice (HB29)
By The Haiti Support Group
In a July interview with the US magazine, Emerge, Emmanuel Constant, the leader of the FRAPH death squad...

Reappraising Vodou (HB28)
Reappraising Vodou (HB28)
By The Haiti Support Group
This special edition Haiti Briefing features an in-depth background on vodou, the religion of Haiti....

Crack Appears in New Police Force (HB27)
Crack Appears in New Police Force (HB27)
By The Haiti Support Group
Drug alert deepens as rocks of crack cocaine are found on sale in Cité Soleil. ...

Morale-Boosting Soccer Triumph (HB26)
Morale-Boosting Soccer Triumph (HB26)
By The Haiti Support Group
While the political crisis deepened, with still no Prime Minister and half of the ministers of state...

What a Foul-Up (HB25)
What a Foul-Up (HB25)
By The Haiti Support Group
In the April elections for nine Senators and 700 seats on new local assemblies only 5% of the registered...

Teachers and Pupils Strike (HB 24)
Teachers and Pupils Strike (HB 24)
By The Haiti Support Group
School students and teachers from the state education sector took their protests to the street in May....

Lavalas Splits, Violence Increases (HB23)
Lavalas Splits, Violence Increases (HB23)
By The Haiti Support Group
The 'gran manjè' - literally the big eaters - are the 'fat cats', the corrupt politicians, the government...

Protests Leave Lavalas Shaking (HB22)
Protests Leave Lavalas Shaking (HB22)
By The Haiti Support Group
Roadblocks, demonstrations and strikes - during the month of January generalised discontent was channelled...

Wage Slavery (HB21)
Wage Slavery (HB21)
By The Haiti Support Group
Haitian workers in the capital’s assembly plants work in hot, airless, and dimly lit factories...

Chickens Come Home to Roost (HB20)
Chickens Come Home to Roost (HB20)
By The Haiti Support Group
Following several weeks of shootings and bomb threats, former soldiers from the disbanded Haitian army...

Land Reform – the Number One Demand (HB19)
Land Reform – the Number One Demand (HB19)
By The Haiti Support Group
“Land is truly the Number One biggest demand of Haitian peasants who have fought and died for it,...

Piggy in the Middle (HB18)
Piggy in the Middle (HB18)
By The Haiti Support Group
“The first stage was when the police feared the people. The second stage that we are in now is...

Between the Peasants and the Donors (HB17)
Between the Peasants and the Donors (HB17)
By The Haiti Support Group
New President of Haiti, Rene Préval, unveils his strategy to try to repair Haiti’s shattered economy. ...

Farewell Aristide (HB16)
Farewell Aristide (HB16)
By The Haiti Support Group
So it's farewell to President Aristide who hands over to his successor, René Préval, on February 7th....

Pot Threatens to Boil Over (HB15)
Pot Threatens to Boil Over (HB15)
By The Haiti Support Group
The patience of many thousands of Haitians finally snapped following the November 7th assassination of...

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (HB14)
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (HB14)
By The Haiti Support Group
Haiti's parliamentary and local elections on June 25 resulted in a commanding victory for the Lavalas...

In the Shadow of the Sweatshop (HB13)
In the Shadow of the Sweatshop (HB13)
By The Haiti Support Group
In the Shadow of the Sweatshop . Also featuring information on Harold Pinter Haiti Exhibition. Haiti...

Haiti Photos & Art (HB12 Sup)
Haiti Photos & Art (HB12 Sup)
By The Haiti Support Group
As well as paintings and ironworks by Haitian artists the exhibition features photos of Haiti by twenty...

A Democracy Made of Cardboard (HB12)
A Democracy Made of Cardboard (HB12)
By The Haiti Support Group
Nobody with an understanding of the Haitian political scene believed that the return of Aristide last...

Problems Not Solved by US Presence (HB 11)
Problems Not Solved by US Presence (HB 11)
By The Haiti Support Group
There has been so little news in the mainstream media you could be forgiven for thinking that, with the...

Aristide Returns — Mission Accomplished? (HB10)
Aristide Returns — Mission Accomplished? (HB10)
By The Haiti Support Group
Three years ago, who would have betted on President Aristide returning to Haiti? Let alone with the...

Military Calls Clinton's Bluff (HB9)
Military Calls Clinton's Bluff (HB9)
By The Haiti Support Group
Will the invasion of Haiti happen? Does anyone know? Does Clinton know? As we go to press, sources in...

Is the US Serious? Shutting Down the Dominican-Haiti Border (HB8)
Is the US Serious? Shutting Down the Dominican-Haiti Border (HB8)
By The Haiti Support Group
The United States has added teeth to the new United Nations sanctions imposed in May by announcing it...

Hundreds Slain in New Wave of Terror (HB7)
Hundreds Slain in New Wave of Terror (HB7)
By The Haiti Support Group
The body of a well-known Aristide supporter, Dady Pierre, murdered on 10 March in Cité Soleil was found...

Clampdown in Jérémie (HB6)
Clampdown in Jérémie (HB6)
By The Haiti Support Group
Last October, when the Haitian army refused to comply with the UN-brokered accord to restore democracy,...

Mourning Democracy in Haiti (HB5)
Mourning Democracy in Haiti (HB5)
By The Haiti Support Group
Before the September 1991 coup d'état, 1,500 sacks of charcoal per month were shipped from Jérémie...

UN's Plan for Haiti is On Again (HB4)
UN's Plan for Haiti is On Again (HB4)
By The Haiti Support Group
Coup leaders say yes - or is it maybe? The United Nations plan to end the political deadlock in Haiti...

Mayor of Port-au-Prince to Address London Haiti Conference (HB3)
Mayor of Port-au-Prince to Address London Haiti Conference (HB3)
By The Haiti Support Group
Mayor Evans Paul is a founder and leading spokesman for the Front for National Change and Democracy,...

Haiti: National Tragedy, International Scandal (HB2)
Haiti: National Tragedy, International Scandal (HB2)
By The Haiti Support Group
"The dogs eat the bodies very quickly" - Haitian peasant at Titanyen body dump "This is unique, horrifyingly...

The Haiti Support Campaign (HB1)
The Haiti Support Campaign (HB1)
By The Haiti Support Group
Haiti is so close to the enormously rich United States of America - a plane ride from the capital, Port-au-Prince,...

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