Haiti Briefings on Development Policy and NGOs
Haiti Support Group Updates on Development Policy and NGOs

Live Broadcast on Statelessness in the Dominican Republic
Live Broadcast on Statelessness in the Dominican Republic Courtesy of The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights

Prioritise the poor majority
British agencies urge UK to help prioritise the needs of the vast majority of Haitians – Haiti Support Group press

Protest against Dominican Republic
Protest against Dominican Republic making People of Haitian Descent Stateless On September 25th, the Constitutional Court (CC) of the Dominican Republic

Reflections on the Reconstruction
Reflections on the Reconstruction. March 26, 2013 Ayiti Kale Je/Haiti Grassroots watch For full article with illustrations and links, click

Campaign Demands End to Forced Camp Evictions
Campaign Demands End to Forced Camp Evictions. 9 January 2013 STOP FORCED EVICTIONS IN HAITI 10-12 JANUARY Nearly three years

Foreign policy chief urged to aid accountability
Foreign policy chief urged to support democracy and aid accountability The Coordination Europe-Haiti (CoEH), a platform of 15 European NGOs

Contracting Cholera. What the UN Owes Haiti
Contracting Cholera. What the UN Owes Haiti. March 20, 2013 Isabeau Doucet, The Nation Picture credits REUTERS/Swoan Parker Original article

Special Edition New Internationalist: Haiti Two Years On
Beyond Relief Beyond Belief is the lead article in the analysis/special feature section of the January/February edition of the New

USIP event highlights failures of the West in “state-building” in Haiti
USIP event highlights failures of the West in “state-building” in Haiti. HSG reporting from Downtown Washington DC, 13-10-2010 To the