Haiti Briefings on Elections and Politics
Haiti Support Group Updates on Elections and Politics

Baby Doc’s Return to Haiti Revives Dark Memories of Duvalier Era
Photo: Baby Doc when in power (1975) – © Corbis/a-birdie
Los Angeles Times, by Allyn Gaestel, January 26, 2011
Jean-Claude Duvalier’s unexpected return to Haiti after 25 years has awakened the ghosts of his repressive rule.

Mobilization against Martelly: Point of No Return?
Mobilization against Martelly: Point of No Return? October 10, 2012, by Yves Pierre-louis, Haïti liberté. Original article Workers, peasants, teachers, and the

Haiti’s Constitutional Horror Show
Haiti’s Constitutional Horror Show by CHARLIE HINTON, counterpunch October 5, 2012. Original article For the past two weeks massive demonstrations have rocked

Haitian elections: split reactions to Martelly victory
P-au-P, 5 avril 2011 [AlterPresse] — Les réactions sont partagées au niveau des différents secteurs de la société suite à

Delays Certifying Election Results
Delays Certifying Election Results Electoral body says it would not publish results of 19 seats in legislature after widespread claims

Haitian Diaspora Allowed to Vote
Haitian Diaspora Allowed to Vote By Clarens Renois (AFP), 10 May 2011 PORT-AU-PRINCE — Haitian lawmakers have granted the diaspora

‘Killing Democracy’ in Haiti, Canadian-Style
Mar 24 2011 Kevin Edmonds “I make a distinction between the Canadian government, which I accuse of killing democracy in

Refugee Camps: Haitian Mayor’s Office Vows to Destroy Them All
Refugee Camps: Haitian Mayor’s Office Vows to Destroy Them All. By Beverly Bell May 27, 2011 On May 23 and

Martelly PM Pick had Rocky Tenure as Top Cop
Martelly PM Pick had Rocky Tenure as Top Cop. Miami Herald – by Jacqueline Charles WASHINGTON — A former justice

Haïti: Clinton, décoré et remis en selle
Le Nouvelliste, 21 Juillet 2011 Port-au-Prince, Haiti L’un a des mots, sa volonté,son charme; l’autre, le carnet d’adresses des donateurs

Discours du Président Martelly à la CIRH
Discours du Président Martelly à la CIRH Le Nouvelliste, 26 Juillet 2011 Haïti: Mesdames, Messieurs, C’est avec beaucoup de plaisir

Travaux de Refonte de la Loi Électorale encore Incertaines
Travaux de Refonte de la Loi Électorale encore Incertaines P-au-P, 10 août 2011 [AlterPresse] — Une commission de travail est