12 January 2012: Year Zero + 2


Year Zero + 2. HSG from London, 12-01-2012

“People think solidarity is just about money. It’s not. It’s about your sustained support,”

Mario Joseph, probably Haiti’s leading civil rights lawyer told some 300 people at a major “edutainment” event in the TUC’s Congress House in central London on January 12. The event, christened “Haiti: Year Zero + 2”, took in two films, a lengthy discussion with Mario Joseph and a major concert in the auditorium, including two minutes silence to remember the up to 315,000 who died in the earthquake two years ago. With support from the TUC in general and the RMT in particular, a coalition of groups including HSG set out to not only raise awareness of the continuing scandal of conditions in Haiti but to raise funds for Mario Joseph’s work in Haiti, where he is leading the campaign to prevent forced evictions, prosecute Jean-Claude Duvalier and secure compensation for the cholera victims of MINUSTAH’s troops. “It’s amazing how the UN can go around the world proclaiming the universality of human rights then deny them to those most in need of them.”

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