Haiti Briefings on Development Policy and NGOs
Haiti Support Group Updates on Development Policy and NGOs

Ground Control to EU
Ground Control to EU. HSG from Port-au-Prince, 25-04-2012 Its so far “up the hill” beyond Petionville you might as well be

Tackling Global Poverty: Where Next for Brussels?
HSG reporting from the House of Commons, London, 25-06-2012 To Committee Room 15 of the House of Commons for a

The EU and Civil Society: Where to from Here?
The EU and Civil Society: Where to from Here?. HSG from Brussels, 7&8-05-2012 To Brussels for a two-day forum organized by

Interview: Noam Chomsky on Latin America
Interview: Noam Chomsky on Latin America December 13, 2012, Keane Bhatt, NACLA original article here Manufacturing Contempt [Renowned linguist, political analyst

MEPs fight for progress on Budget Control Report
MEPs fight for progress on Budget Control Report HSG from European Parliament, Brussels, 26-06-2012 To the European Parliament building for

OAS Haiti Chief describes failures of international organisations in Haiti
Editorial comment: The following interview with Ricardo Seitenfus, outgoing representative in Haiti of the Organisation of American States (OAS), by the Swiss daily “Le Temps”, is a rare but welcome admission, by a top official of one of the intergovernmental organisations that have for decades exercised a disproportionate influence in Haiti, how many of the policies of the “international community” have failed Haiti, and that finally it is time for them to give room to the development of a “Haitian vision for reconstruction”.

OAS Analysis: Mission’s Draft Final Report on Haiti’s Election
Photo: Ballot boxes, 28/11/2010 – © Joris Willems
By Mark Weisbrot and Jake Johnston
A draft copy of the Organization of American States (OAS) Report on Haiti’s election, “Organization of American States Expert Verification Mission, President Election — First Round 2010 — Final Report,”1 was leaked to the press last week, and the Center for Economic and Policy Research posted a copy on its website after receiving it from a different source. The report was formally presented to Haitian president Rene Préval on January 13.

CIRH a échoué dans sa mission, selon la POHDH
Déclaration de la POHDH (Plateforme des Organisations Haïtiennes des Droits de l’Homme) Document soumis à AlterPresse le 28 février 2011

Housing Exposition Exposes Waste, Cynicism
Housing Exposition Exposes Waste, Cynicism September 24, 2012 by Haiti Grassroots Watch/Ayiti Kale Je haitigrassrootswatch Zoranje, HAITI, September 24, 2012 –