Haiti Briefings on Development Policy and NGOs
Haiti Support Group Updates on Development Policy and NGOs

FAO Seeks $74 million in Aid for Haitian Agriculture
FAO Seeks $74 million in Aid for Haitian Agriculture. November 6, 2012. Prensa Latina (original article here) United Nations, Nov

Reconstructing Haiti at the Frontline Club
HSG’s Mario Gousse and Andy Leak were invited by the Frontline Club to speak at an event entitled “Reconstructing Haiti”.

Haiti quake survivors face eviction from camps – Oxfam
December10, 2012Anastasia Moloney/Alertnet original article here BOGOTA (AlertNet) – Tens of thousands of homeless earthquake survivors living in camps sprawled

Haiti-D.R. Cholera Eradication Plan: Where Funding Will Come From?
Haiti-D.R. Cholera Eradication Plan: Where Funding Will Come From? December 12, 2012, Eurasia Review. Original article here The plan to

Has the Dust Even Settled? Haiti’s Earthquake: Three Years Later
Has the Dust Even Settled? Haiti’s Earthquake: Three Years Later January 12, 2013 Mark Snyder Three years after the devastating

Families left homeless in New Wave of Evictions
February 1, 2013 Amnesty International press release The Haitian authorities must urgently move to prevent illegal and violent evictions of

Calls for End to Impunity in Haiti on Day UN Asserts Immunity
Calls for End to Impunity in Haiti on Day UN Asserts Immunity. 21 February 2013 source: UN A senior United Nations

Audit Finds US Loan Program in Haiti Filled with Flaws
Audit Finds US Loan Program in Haiti Filled with Flaws March 4, 2013 Trenton Daniel (AP) in the Windsor Star.

Haiti Cholera Mutations Could Lead to More Severe Disease
Haiti Cholera Mutations Could Lead to More Severe Disease April 16,2013 Infection control Today. Original article here The cholera strain