Take Action!
The Haiti Support Group is a small solidarity organisation, based in the UK, that for a quarter of a century has been working hard to empower the poor majority in Haiti, whether they are trade unions, women’s organisations, peasant groups, neighbourhood associations or other grassroots organisations.
We try to provide a more balanced reflection of Haiti and its people. We present the achievements as well as providing in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges of the Haitian reality.
Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists.
Our work has only been possible thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to ensure that we can continue our fantastic work.
Solidarity, Campaigning and Advocacy

Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN for Gross Negligence
Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN for Gross Negligence. Press Release by the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti and the Bureaux des Avocats Internationaux

A New World Bank Doctor for Haiti?
HSG reporting from Washington DC, 23-03-2012: If Dr. Jim Yong Kim, Barack Obama’s nominee to be World Bank President gets the job (they invariably do,

Former Haitian PM Claudette Werleigh speaking at CAFOD
Former Haitian PM Claudette Werleigh speaking at CAFOD On 12 November former Haitian Prime Minister Claudette Werleigh will deliver CAFOD’s 2010 Pope Paul VI. Lecture.

MEPs: EU spending in Haiti requires serious improvements
HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince, 22-04-2012 We have arrived in Port-au-Prince as part of our 18 month campaign to move the European Union development policy more

M. Pierre-Louis Speaking in London
Pierre-Louis Speaking in London Haiti: building a future to last Nine months after Haiti’s devastating earthquake what lessons are there for the international community –

Reconstruction’s Massive Slum Will Cost “Hundreds Of Millions”
June 17, 2013 Haiti Grassroots Watch Port-au-Prince, HAITI – Three years after its star-studded launch by President René Préval, actor Sean Penn and various other Haitian

Total Sum of IADB and World Bank Ambitions for Haiti
Total Sum of IDB and World Bank Ambitions for Haiti HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince, 25-04-2012 A report filed by MEPs on the Budget Control Committee

Shit Step: Helping MINUSTAH with their Enquiries
Shit Step: Helping MINUSTAH with their Enquiries. HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince, 03-05-2012 To Jean-Marie Vincent Park to search for the Sylvie family, the desperately poor IDPs

World Banking: All Change?
World Banking: All Change? HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince, 26-04-2012 If the World Bank wants a man to do outreach to the likes of us and