Take Action!
The Haiti Support Group is a small solidarity organisation, based in the UK, that for a quarter of a century has been working hard to empower the poor majority in Haiti, whether they are trade unions, women’s organisations, peasant groups, neighbourhood associations or other grassroots organisations.
We try to provide a more balanced reflection of Haiti and its people. We present the achievements as well as providing in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges of the Haitian reality.
Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists.
Our work has only been possible thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to ensure that we can continue our fantastic work.
Solidarity, Campaigning and Advocacy

Urgent Action: Amnesty International
Urgent Action. Source: Amnesty International Approximately a hundred families have been forcibly evicted from an informal settlement known as Canaan in continuance of an illegal

Van Rompuy in Haiti this Week – An Update
European Council President Van Rompuy in Haiti this Week. Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, is in Haiti on Friday 18 and

EPAs: What do they offer Haiti?
HSG from Room Altiero Spinelli 5G-3, European Parliament, Brussels, 31-01-2013 To a European Union (EU) Parliamentary Committee meeting of DCAR, the Delegation to what is

USAID still falls short on Haitian agriculture
HSG from US State Department, Foggy Bottom, Washington DC, 05-12-2012 To a festively-decorated State Department foyer, for escort to the offices of Tom Adams, Hillary

Paramilitarism in Haiti continues … and is the US (once more) lending a helping hand?
HSG from Convention Center, Columbus, Georgia, 17-11-2012 To a workshop on “The Roots of Paramilitarism in Haiti,” part of the extensive educational programme of the

Spasticus Autisticus! – Haitian Paralympians Speak Out
HSG, London, 10 September 2012 Haiti’s first ever Paralympians returned to Port-au-Prince this week hoping that their participation and the attendant publicity, in Europe, if

Haiti Earthquake 3rd Anniversary Commemoration
Earthquake commemoration, 12 January 2012 Our thoughts on this day go out to the victims of the 2010 earthquake and their loved ones, as well

New Internationalist Special Edition. Haiti: Two Years On
New Internationalist Special Edition. Haiti: Two Years On Beyond Relief Beyond Belief is the lead article in the analysis/special feature section of the January/February 2012 edition

Comment on the run-off election on 20 March
Comment on the run-off election on 20 March. HSG from London 22-03-2011 We were interviewed by South African radio today on the “significance” of the