Seeding Reconstruction or Destruction?
Seeding Reconstruction or Destruction? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2011 AT 08:51PM An investigation into the distribution of Monsanto and other seeds
Seeding Reconstruction or Destruction? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2011 AT 08:51PM An investigation into the distribution of Monsanto and other seeds
Verdict: Cholera Outbreak Originated in UN Cam By Richard Knox, NPR Health Blog, 6 May 2011 Suspicions that U.N. peacekeepers
Haitian Diaspora Allowed to Vote By Clarens Renois (AFP), 10 May 2011 PORT-AU-PRINCE — Haitian lawmakers have granted the diaspora
Mar 24 2011 Kevin Edmonds “I make a distinction between the Canadian government, which I accuse of killing democracy in
Army Revival Planned for Haiti. Isabeau Doucet Special to the Star [Toronto Star] PORT-AU-PRINCE — Charismatic pop star-turned-president Michel Martelly
Refugee Camps: Haitian Mayor’s Office Vows to Destroy Them All. By Beverly Bell May 27, 2011 On May 23 and
Cholera in Haiti Surges in Storm Areas. Associated Press – By Trenton Daniel – June 10, 2011 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti The
Threats of Eviction After Death in Camp. Posted on 4 June 2011 By: Etant Dupain, Bri Kouri Nouvèl Gaye The
Behind Closed Doors of Port-au-Prince “Reconstruction” Port-au-Prince, June 10 2011 – Why hasn’t reconstruction begun in downtown Port-au-Prince, the area
P-au-P., 29 juin 2011 [AlterPresse] — Plusieurs organisations sociales haïtiennes dénoncent « la passivité » de la Mission des Nations Unies pour
Martelly PM Pick had Rocky Tenure as Top Cop. Miami Herald – by Jacqueline Charles WASHINGTON — A former justice
Relocalisation Complexe: 450 Familles Sinistrées du Stade National. P-au-P, 15 juil. 2011 [AlterPresse] par Ronald Colbert — 18 mois après
Le Nouvelliste, 21 Juillet 2011 Port-au-Prince, Haiti L’un a des mots, sa volonté,son charme; l’autre, le carnet d’adresses des donateurs
Civil Society Speaks Out on Camp Expulsions We, the undersigned organisations, wish to make a statement on three main points
Discours du Président Martelly à la CIRH Le Nouvelliste, 26 Juillet 2011 Haïti: Mesdames, Messieurs, C’est avec beaucoup de plaisir
Travaux de Refonte de la Loi Électorale encore Incertaines P-au-P, 10 août 2011 [AlterPresse] — Une commission de travail est
Hurricane Emily’s Near-Miss Too Close for IDPs Huffington Post – Posted: 8/5/11 05:44 PM ET By Mark Schuller and Mark Snyder
Overwhelming Majority Living in Displacement Camps Reliefweb Haiti – An overwhelming majority of people living in more than 1,000 displacement