Take Action!
The Haiti Support Group is a small solidarity organisation, based in the UK, that for a quarter of a century has been working hard to empower the poor majority in Haiti, whether they are trade unions, women’s organisations, peasant groups, neighbourhood associations or other grassroots organisations.
We try to provide a more balanced reflection of Haiti and its people. We present the achievements as well as providing in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges of the Haitian reality.
Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists.
Our work has only been possible thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to ensure that we can continue our fantastic work.
Solidarity, Campaigning and Advocacy

Leading Haitian Lawyer highlights rights crisis for earthquake victims
Mario Joseph, Haiti’s most prominent human rights lawyer and legal activist, made a hugely successful visit to London in August, where he gave the Sixth

Dominican Republic had “better dictators than Haiti”
Dominican Republic had “better dictators than Haiti” – HSG from US Institute of Peace, Washington DC, 26-01-2011 To the other side of the Atlantic to

Housing Disaster exposed by Haitian CSO FRAKKA
Housing Disaster exposed by Haitian CSO FRAKKA. HSG from Congress and TransAfrica Forum, Washington, 07-03-2011 To Congress, then the TransAfrica Forum, to hear what the

Earthquake One-Year On: Haitians on Haiti
During a week of events in London and Brussels on the earthquake and its aftermath the HSG gave Haitian civil society a platform to voice

Farcical Hearing at IACHR on Gender Violence in Haiti camps
Farcical Hearing at IACHR on Gender Violence in Haiti camps. HSG reporting from IACHR Hearing in Downtown Washington DC, 25-03-2011 To the imposing Organisation of

Debate on Aid to Haiti
James Reinl hosts a debate for VOR London on the second anniversary of Haiti’s earthquake and asks why half a million people are still living

Haiti Advocacy Week in Washington
Haiti Advocacy Week in Washington. HSG reporting from Capitol Hill, Washington DC, 28-03-2011 The beginning of Haiti Advocacy Week brought to the American public and

Haiti Advocacy Week raises Haiti profile in Congress
Haiti Advocacy Week raises Haiti profile in Congress. HSG from Haiti Advocacy Week, Washington DC, 30-03-2011 This is an American scale operation – huge. With

OAS with “shopping list” for Martelly
OAS with “shopping list” for Martelly. HSG reporting from Haiti Working Group, US Institute of Peace, Washington DC, 20-04-2011 To USIP’s imposing new building at