Haiti Briefings on Natural Disasters and/or the Haiti Earthquake

Immune. Immoral. Illegal? – UN Special Envoy on Cholera: “Silence is the Worst Response” (HB74)
Haiti Briefing 74 – The UN response to the Cholera Epidemic a Murderous Charade Haiti Briefing 74 concentrates on the

Immunité. Immoralité. Illégalité? (HB74)
L’envoyé Spécial de l’ONU sur la question du Choléra: « Le Silence est la Pire des Réponses »

A Better Class of Dictator? (HB73)
p1-4 Three years after the earthquake of January 12, 2010, Haiti paused last month to remember and reflect. It might

Un dictateur plus classe ? (HB73)
Révolte contre les mensonges et les illégalités

Haiti’s Hunger Games: Food Policy Disaster Bites Hands that Feed (HB72)
One mamit (5.75lb tin) of rice now costs 150 Haitian gourdes (approx ₤2.24 or $3.57), 50% up since July. Corn

L’Enjeu de la Faim en Haïti (HB72)
Le Désastre d’une Politique Alimentaire qui s’en prend aux Producteurs

Wanted: An Agenda for Change (HB71)
The report slipped out almost unnoticed and it is still hard to find (see http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meet docs/2009_2014 under Meeting Documents 20/03/12).

Recherche agenda pour le changement (HB71)
Le développement européen : trouver la bonne voie

Truth Out, Dying Season In (HB70)
Has the UN’s intestinal worm turned? On an inspection of the solar energy capacity of the new teaching hospital in

Adieu Vérité, Bonjour Saison Mortelle (HB70)
La Réponse de l’ONU au Choléra : Mépris, Mystifications et Mauvaise Volonté

Beyond Relief, Beyond Belief: Deconstructing the IHRC’s Reconstruction (HB69)
p1-4 As they quaffed champagne in their Port-au-Prince headquarters on Harry Truman Boulevard, the staff of the secretariat of the

Un incroyable fiasco (HB69)
Déconstruction de la Reconstruction de la CIRH

Seven Years On: Haiti Earthquake
Seven Years On: Haiti Earthquake. Today marks the seventh anniversary of the Haiti earthquake and the start of a challenging

Scotland For Haiti: Entertainers Rally for a Series of Fundraising Events
The Edinburgh Caribbean Association, the Haiti Support Group and friends are working together under the umbrella of the Haiti Fundraiser

Inconvenient Truth: Hurricane Matthew & Cholera
Hurricane Matthew made landfall at Les Anglais, Haiti on the 4 October 2016. The category 4 storm brought 150mph winds,

Hurricane Matthew: An Update from the Haiti Support Group
Many of you have contacted us over the last few days to ask what you can do in light of

Cholera Crisis in Haiti, Four Years on from Disaster
Report courtesy of Channel 4 News, 10 January 2014 Haiti’s leading human rights lawyer Mario Joseph – who the Haiti

Amnesty International – Failure to Deal with Consequences of Natural Disaster
Amnesty International – Haiti: Failure to Deal with the Consequences of the 2010 Devastating Earthquake AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT, 9

Further Dual Blow to Claims Haiti is “Open for Business”
Dual Blow to Claims Haiti is “Open for Business”. January 3, 2013, Haiti Support Group On January 2, Haitian officials

Appeal to protect earthquake victims: Amnesty International
Appeal to protect earthquake victims: Amnesty International. April 17, 2013 Amnesty International FAMILIES ATTACKED, risk forced eviction Hundreds of families left

Rescuing Haitian rice production – when will there be the political will?
HSG from Longworth Building, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, 13-11-2012 To Room 1302 of the Longworth House of Representatives Office Building

Haiti Earthquake 3rd Anniversary Commemoration
Earthquake commemoration, 12 January 2012 Our thoughts on this day go out to the victims of the 2010 earthquake and

Brussels Activities, December/January 2010
Brussels Activities, December/January 2010. HSG from London 15-01-2011 On 16 December we were in Brussels to join the Coordination Europe-Haiti

Co-operative Agrikol Bab. Grow it All: Making Water Flow Uphill
HSG, St Marc, March 2010 — When engineers came to Montaca just outside the central coastal town of St. Marc in