Haiti Briefings on Natural Disasters and/or the Haiti Earthquake

Unwanted Gifts: A Concise History of Harming Haiti (HB81)
Unwanted Gifts: A Concise History of Harming Haiti Antony Stewart and Eve Hayes de Kalaf (eds) In October 2010, a

An Electoral Farce: But Who Is Laughing? (HB80)
Today marks the sixth anniversary of the Haiti earthquake and the country’s future is looking bleaker than ever: Fraudulent practices

New Pirates of the Caribbean (HB79)
These are exciting times for foreign investors in Haiti with their eyes on the prize; business is booming and is

Les nouveaux pirates des Caraïbes (HB79)
Les yeux fixés sur le butin, les investisseurs étrangers en Haïti vivent des moments grisants : les affaires prospèrent et sont on ne peut

Duvalier Departs, but Martelly’s Duvalierism Marches On: Who Needs Elections? (HB78)
We are now fast approaching the fifth anniversary of the 12 January 2010 earthquake. In many ways, it will be

Undermining accountability in the new gold rush: The Miners Next Door (HB77)
Claire Lauterbach; Andy Leak and Eve Hayes de Kalaf (eds) Haiti’s government heralds recent discoveries of gold and silver on

Les Mineurs d’à Côté (HB77)
Le gouvernement haïtien mise sur les récentes découvertes d’or et d’argent de son côté de la frontière pour sortir le pays de la

Apatride aux Caraïbes (HB76)
« J’ai 28 ans et… je n’y suis jamais allée [en Haïti]. Je ne sais pas comment c’est…je n’y suis

Apátridas en el Caribe (HB76)
Juliana Deguis Pierre, hija de haitianos, nacida y criada en RD, había luchado por conseguir de las autoridades sus documentos

Stateless in the Caribbean (HB76)
Stateless in the Caribbean. In 2013 the Dominican Republic Constitutional Court rescinded the nationality of hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian

Building Back Failure – Bigger But No Better Caracol: None of Your Business (HB75)
Haiti Briefing 75 analyses the situation at the Caracol Industrial Plant, a $424,000,000 assembly-plant “development” project that has created fewer

Caracol : c’est pas vos affaires (HB75)
Le cumul des échecs : plus grand mais pas mieux

A Revindication of Haitian Futures: Beyond Disaster Discourses
On 12 October the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR), University of

Haiti: Why 2021 is and is not 2010
Haitian resistance is emerging against a repeat of the aid failures following the 2010 earthquake response. Original article here. Written

Haiti Earthquake Appeal 2021 – Who to Support
Here at the Haiti Support Group we work to amplify the voices of Haitian grassroots and civil society organisations. At

Haiti Earthquake: An Update from the Haiti Support Group
Yesterday a fatal earthquake struck Haiti’s southern peninsula, measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale. Current reports tell us that at

Breaking news: Crisis looms as coronavirus takes hold in Haiti & neighbouring Dominican Republic
Dr Antony Stewart is Chair of the Haiti Support Group. He is a historian with extensive knowledge on the history

Can Haiti’s government act quickly enough to stop the spread of coronavirus?
Can Haiti’s government act quickly enough to stop the spread of coronavirus? Update 24 March 2020 Haiti confirmed its first

Coronavirus and Haiti: What You Need to Know
The Potential Effect of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Haiti A Latin America Bureau report we contributed to this week noted

Remembering the Haiti Earthquake: Ten Years On
Today marks 10 years to the day since the devastating Haiti earthquake killed close to 300,000 people. The tragedy hit

Haiti Ten Years On: Earthquake Commemoration
Please join the Haiti Support Group and friends on Sunday 12th January from 3 until 9 p.m. to remember the

The Haitian community in the Bahamas was hardest hit by Hurricane Dorian. Now anti-Haitianism threatens to hit harder.
A disaster hits and chaos ensues. Within the shock and the trauma, as the winds settle and people uncurl, look

Puerto Rico Needs Help, But Not Like Haiti
FÈ ATENSYON. Haiti 2010 is not the intervention model you want for Puerto Rico. Last month, hurricanes Irma and Maria

Post-Earthquake Priorities
Haiti Support Group Post-Earthquake Priorities At 4.53pm on January 12th 2010, the earth shook violently in and around the overcrowded