Haiti Briefings on Natural Disasters and/or the Haiti Earthquake

Mayor of Port-au-Prince to Address London Haiti Conference (HB3)
Mayor Evans Paul is a founder and leading spokesman for the Front for National Change and Democracy, Haiti’s most popular political

Haiti: National Tragedy, International Scandal (HB2)
“The dogs eat the bodies very quickly” – Haitian peasant at Titanyen body dump “This is unique, horrifyingly unique. It’s

The Haiti Support Campaign (HB1)
Haiti is so close to the enormously rich United States of America – a plane ride from the capital, Port-au-Prince,

Hurricane Emily’s Near-Miss Too Close for IDPs
Hurricane Emily’s Near-Miss Too Close for IDPs Huffington Post – Posted: 8/5/11 05:44 PM ET By Mark Schuller and Mark Snyder

Overwhelming Majority Living in Displacement Camps
Overwhelming Majority Living in Displacement Camps Reliefweb Haiti – An overwhelming majority of people living in more than 1,000 displacement

Over 5,000 Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN
Over 5,000 Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN Press Release of the Institute of Justice & Democracy in Haiti: Attorneys deliver

Where the Relief Money Did and Did Not Go – Haiti after the Quake
Where the Relief Money Did and Did Not Go – Haiti after the Quake Counterpunch – January 3, 2012 by

How Prioritizing Closure of IDP Camps Aids and Abets Illegal and Forcible Evictions
How Prioritizing Closure of IDP Camps Aids and Abets Illegal and Forcible Evictions Mark Snyder, International Action Ties Months have passed

Prime Minister: Haiti Donor Aid Needs Revision
Prime Minister: Haiti Donor Aid Needs Revision Haiti Prime Minister Garry Conille made the rounds in Washington, asking for better

UN sees Jump in Cholera Cases as Rainy Season Begins
UN sees Jump in Cholera Cases as Rainy Season Begins Trenton Daniel, Associated Press 3:17 p.m. EDT, April 3, 2012 PORT-AU-PRINCE,

“Under Tents”: International Housing Campaign Launched
“Under Tents”: International Housing Campaign Launched – 400,000 Homeless Still Wait for a Housing Plan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, July 2,

Tropical Storm Isaac: Victims fault government for not enough “concrete action”
Tropical Storm Isaac: Victims fault government for not enough “concrete action” Aug 29, 2012, by Yves Pierre-Louis, published in Haiti

Tropical Storm Isaac Sparks Cholera Fears
Tropical Storm Isaac Sparks Cholera Fears 16 September 2012, by Jacqueline Charles, The Miami Herald. Original article The panic began to set

400,000 Haitians Still displaced
400,000 Haitians Still displaced. By Mariana Rebua Simoes, MediaGlobal News September 7, 2012 mediaglobal Nicole Phillips, attorney at the NGO

Pride and Palaces
Pride and Palaces. Sept. 14 2012, The Economist online Left half in ruin for almost three years, Haiti’s National Palace