Take Action!
The Haiti Support Group is a small solidarity organisation, based in the UK, that for a quarter of a century has been working hard to empower the poor majority in Haiti, whether they are trade unions, women’s organisations, peasant groups, neighbourhood associations or other grassroots organisations.
We try to provide a more balanced reflection of Haiti and its people. We present the achievements as well as providing in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges of the Haitian reality.
Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists.
Our work has only been possible thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to ensure that we can continue our fantastic work.
Solidarity, Campaigning and Advocacy

Medical and Field Support Protocols
UN DPKO Medical and Field Support Protocols
“Ensure Prompt and Appropriate Follow Up”
The crucial steps to be taken if we are to avoid this happening again
In December 2010 the UN Secretary General announced his intention to form an independent panel of experts to investigate and advise on the cholera outbreak in Haiti.
In January 2011, he named the four expert members.
In February they visited Haiti and began their fieldwork.
On May 3 they handed in a 32-page report that began and ended with 7 specific recommendations. Those recommendations are amongst our handouts here.
Read them and you will see that the first three pertain to UN internal procedures, medical screening, treatment, vaccination and sanitation in the field.

Dying in a closing Cholera Treatment Centre
Dying in a closing Cholera Treatment Centre.The Secretary General’s Cholera elimination Plan How and why it is already unravelling Just over three months ago, on

STOP PRESS: Duvalierist Diktat and Disdain
7 February 2013 Since the current Haiti Briefing – A Better Class of Dictator?, went to press, President Michel Martelly has been doing his best

UN Confronts Cholera in Haiti with New Initiative but Few Specifics
UN Confronts Cholera in Haiti with New Initiative but Few Specifics 16 December 2012 The good news is pressure works, yes even in as stiflingly

Real Elections Winner?
Real Elections Winner? HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince 24-03-2011 I admit it wasn’t as much of a mess as I had seen on November 28th. Even

Foreign policy chief urged to aid accountability
Foreign policy chief urged to support democracy and aid accountability The Coordination Europe-Haiti (CoEH), a platform of 15 European NGOs and CSOs, has written toCatherine

Special Edition New Internationalist: Haiti Two Years On
Beyond Relief Beyond Belief is the lead article in the analysis/special feature section of the January/February edition of the New Internationalist (No. 449), written by

USIP event highlights failures of the West in “state-building” in Haiti
USIP event highlights failures of the West in “state-building” in Haiti. HSG reporting from Downtown Washington DC, 13-10-2010 To the U.S. Institute of Peace on

One year on – Haitian CSO ITECA speaks truth to power in UK parliament
One year on – Haitian CSO ITECA speaks truth to power in UK parliament. HSG reporting from Palace of Westminister, London, 10-01-2011 To a large