Take Action!
The Haiti Support Group is a small solidarity organisation, based in the UK, that for a quarter of a century has been working hard to empower the poor majority in Haiti, whether they are trade unions, women’s organisations, peasant groups, neighbourhood associations or other grassroots organisations.
We try to provide a more balanced reflection of Haiti and its people. We present the achievements as well as providing in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges of the Haitian reality.
Our team of Haiti watchers includes grassroots activists and campaigners, members of the Haitian and Caribbean Diaspora, legal experts, journalists, academics and development specialists.
Our work has only been possible thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to ensure that we can continue our fantastic work.
Solidarity, Campaigning and Advocacy

Campaign for the Rights of those Displaced by Earthquake
Campaign for the Rights of those Displaced by Earthquake. On 18 July 2010 the Haiti Support Group launched its campaign in support of the over

Black History Month Activities, 2013
Black History Month Activities, 2013 The Haiti Support Group will be participating at a number of events as part of Black History Month 2013. Please

Beverly Bell on Disaster Capitalism in Haiti
Beverly Bell on Disaster Capitalism in Haiti. HSG from George Washington University, Washington DC, 11-04-2011 To Foggy Bottom, the appropriately named river-edge area of Washington

Campaign for the Return of the FRAPH/FADH Documents
Between 1997 and 2000 the Haiti Support Group backed the Campaign, launched by Haitian grassroots organisations, with supporters in over 30 countries, that demanded the

Michaelle Jean: An Enlightened Force from the Diaspora
Michaelle Jean:. HSG reporting from London, 04-07-2011 HSG recently attended a lunch with Michaelle Jean, the UNESCO Special Representative for Haiti and former Governor General

Martelly Disguises Inexperience with Easy Charm
Martelly Disguises Inexperience with Easy Charm. HSG from the National Press Club, Washington DC , 21-04-2011 To the National Press Club for a Michel Martelly

Michaelle Jean takes her campaign to the OAS
HSG reporting from Washington DC, 13-09-2011 To the Simon Bolivar room for a “special meeting” of the Organization of American States Permanent Council. When the

Assembly plants are no quick fix after the quake
HSG from Port-au-Prince, 12-09-2011 Recently, Antèn Ouvriye (Workers Antenna) organized a conference in Port-au-Prince on the application of the minimum wage law and Haitian Labour

The Earthquake. Our Assessment
The earthquake of 12 January – our assessment The earthquake, measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale was a natural phenomenon. However, the scale of the loss