Haiti Briefings on Development Policy and NGOs

Old Tricks, New Dog: US ‘Democracy Enhancement’ (HB31)
It is common knowledge that the United States uses covert operations and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to destabilize and

US Makes a Mockery of Justice (HB29)
In a July interview with the US magazine, Emerge, Emmanuel Constant, the leader of the FRAPH death squad that murdered hundreds

Between the Peasants and the Donors (HB17)
New President of Haiti, Rene Préval, unveils his strategy to try to repair Haiti’s shattered economy.

Pot Threatens to Boil Over (HB15)
The patience of many thousands of Haitians finally snapped following the November 7th assassination of the Lavalas MP, Jean Hubert

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (HB14)
Haiti’s parliamentary and local elections on June 25 resulted in a commanding victory for the Lavalas platform (PPL) supported by

Aristide Returns — Mission Accomplished? (HB10)
Three years ago, who would have betted on President Aristide returning to Haiti? Let alone with the support of the
Haiti Support Group Updates on Development Policy and NGOs

Human Rights Council Report on the Dominican Republic
Human Rights Council Report on the Dominican Republic The Human Rights Council released its draft report on the Universal Periodic

Further Dual Blow to Claims Haiti is “Open for Business”
Dual Blow to Claims Haiti is “Open for Business”. January 3, 2013, Haiti Support Group On January 2, Haitian officials

Report Urges US Lawmakers to Promote Agricultural Imports from Haiti
Report Urges US Lawmakers to Promote Agricultural Imports from Haiti January 7, 2013, Caribbean Journal. Original article here The United States

EPAs: What do they offer Haiti?
HSG from Room Altiero Spinelli 5G-3, European Parliament, Brussels, 31-01-2013 To a European Union (EU) Parliamentary Committee meeting of DCAR,

USAID still falls short on Haitian agriculture
HSG from US State Department, Foggy Bottom, Washington DC, 05-12-2012 To a festively-decorated State Department foyer, for escort to the

Advocacy for Haitian Women on BBC’s Woman’s Hour
Advocacy for Haitian Women on BBC’s Woman’s Hour. HSG from London 25-02-2011 This morning HSG Coordinator Anne McConnell was invited

Impressions on Reactions to the Election results
Impressions on reactions to elections results. HSG reporting from P-au-P on the reactions to the elections, 09-12-2010 City slightly less

No trees, no top-soil
No trees, no top-soil. Lethal mudslides highlight urgent need for reforestation, and agrarian reform – Haiti Support Group press release,

British agencies urge UK to help prioritise the needs of Haiti’s poor
British agencies urge UK to help prioritise the needs of Haiti’s poor To: The Right Honourable Hilary Benn, MP Secretary