Ending Intimidation of Textile Workers: Campaign
Ending Intimidation of Textile Workers: Campaign. Haiti Support Group, London, 6 October 2011 The Haitian workers rights organisation Batay Ouvriye (BO), has launched a campaign
Britain wants to scale down MINUSTAH into a UNPOL mission
Excerpt from Turtle Bay: British officials maintain that their concern is not limited to costs, but to the wisdom of maintaining large foreign peacekeeping missions
Police Academy Remains Unbuilt
Police Academy Remains Unbuilt Three years, $18M later Haiti’s police academy remains unbuilt Postmedia News – By Lee Berthiaume – October 12, 201 Three years
Participation de l’Etat Haitien: l’Examen Periodique Universel
Participation de l’Etat Haitien: l’Examen Periodique Universel. Port-au-Prince, 19 Oct. 2011 Dans le cadre du nouveau mécanisme du Conseil des Droits Humains des Nations Unies
Over 5,000 Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN
Over 5,000 Haitian Cholera Victims Sue UN Press Release of the Institute of Justice & Democracy in Haiti: Attorneys deliver claims requesting compensation and constructive
Five Years for Drop of Water
Five Years for Drop of Water. Haiti Grassroots Watch, Port-au-Prince, 4 November 2011 – Two-and-a-half million dollars (US$2.5 million) to supply water to several marginal
Faces from Haiti’s Brutal Regime Return
Faces from Haiti’s Brutal Regime Return. By Trenton Daniel, Associated Press, 24 October 2011 New president has advisers from era of ‘Baby Doc’ PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti
Pas encore de papiers pour les Dominicains dénationalisés
P-au-P, 14 nov. 2011 [AlterPresse] — Les Dominicains d’ascendance haïtienne, dénationalisés par une disposition constitutionnelle, n’ont toujours pas accès à des documents d’identité, en dépit
Ghost of Bloody Past Set for Revival
Ghost of Bloody Past Set for Revival PORT-AU-PRINCE/MIAMI (Reuters) – No one disputes that Haiti needs battalions of builders, developers and investors to help it
Study Suggests Homicides Dropping in Haiti Capital
Study Suggests Homicides Dropping in Haiti Capital TRENTON DANIEL Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti November 17, 2011 (AP) Haiti’s capital has seen a significant drop in
Search for Sanctuary from Sexual Violence
Search for Sanctuary from Sexual Violence. Original article here. Angela Robson, guardian.co.uk, Monday 21 November 2011 01.00 GMT It is early morning in downtown Port-au-Prince, the
Cholera Fallout: Can Haitians Sue the U.N. for the Epidemic?
Cholera Fallout: Can Haitians Sue the U.N. for the Epidemic? TIME World By Susana Ferreira, Port-au-Prince, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011 Cholera hit Laurent Jacnel on a
Violation des droits humains des déplacés à Port-au-Prince
Un groupe de policiers accompagnés de civils armés ont détruit un camp de déplacés à la Place Jérémie Jeudi 22 décembre 2011 Le Collectif pour
Where the Relief Money Did and Did Not Go – Haiti after the Quake
Where the Relief Money Did and Did Not Go – Haiti after the Quake Counterpunch – January 3, 2012 by Bill Quigley and Amber Ramanauskas
Home: From Displacement Camps to Community in Haiti
Home: From Displacement Camps to Community in Haiti. By Alexis Erkert and Beverly Bell January 4, 2012 As 2012 begins, a growing movement of displaced
Haïti-Duvalier : Un an d’impunité et de mépris des victimes de la dictature
P-au-P, 19 janv. 2012 [AlterPresse] — Révolte, frustration, indignation sont les sentiments qui prévalent au sein d’une partie de la population haïtienne, un an après
How Prioritizing Closure of IDP Camps Aids and Abets Illegal and Forcible Evictions
How Prioritizing Closure of IDP Camps Aids and Abets Illegal and Forcible Evictions Mark Snyder, International Action Ties Months have passed since the forty-three displaced families
Amnesty Slams Haitian Judiciary for Dropping Duvalier Case
Amnesty Slams Haitian Judiciary for Dropping Duvalier Case Caribbean News Now!, 2 February 2012 LONDON, England — Haiti’s judicial authorities have dealt yet another blow to
State-Of-The-Art Hospital Offers Hope For Haiti
BY JASON BEAUBIEN January 27, 2012, 12:01 AM Even before the devastating earthquake in 2010, Haiti’s public health care system was perhaps the worst in
Haïti-Sécurité publique : Manœuvres armées inquiétantes d’anciens militaires
Haïti-Sécurité publique : Manœuvres armées inquiétantes d’anciens militaires vendredi 10 février 2012 « Ils n’agissent pas sous la bénédiction du gouvernement », affirme le ministre de la
Prime Minister: Haiti Donor Aid Needs Revision
Prime Minister: Haiti Donor Aid Needs Revision Haiti Prime Minister Garry Conille made the rounds in Washington, asking for better coordination and faster disbursement of
Lettre ouverte des mouvements sociaux aux membres du Conseil de Sécurité
Lettre ouverte des mouvements sociaux aux membres du Conseil de Sécurité Lettre ouverte de 13 organisations et institutions adressée au Conseil de Sécurité jeudi 16
Les autorités satisfaites : Un mort et 130 blessés aux Cayes
Les autorités satisfaites : Un mort et 130 blessés aux Cayes Le Président Michel Martelly, qui a fait la fête dans la troisième ville du
Haiti’s Prime Minister Quits After 4 Months
Haiti’s Prime Minister Quits After 4 Months By Randal C. Archibold, New York Times, Feb 24, 2012 Haiti, whose recovery from the January 2010 earthquake
Haiti Prime Minister Nominee Made Official
Haiti Prime Minister Nominee Made Official By Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, March 2, 2012 A self-made entrepreneur and former tennis star player was tapped Thursday
Le pouvoir dérive, la société civile sonne l’alarme
Le pouvoir dérive, la société civile sonne l’alarme Le Nouvelliste, 28 Février 2012 Neuf dérives du pouvoir en place menacent dangereusement les acquis démocratiques, consacrés
Clinton: UN Soldier Brought Cholera to Haiti
Clinton: UN Soldier Brought Cholera to Haiti By Trenton Daniel, USA Today, March 8, 2012 MIREBALAIS, Haiti (AP)–Former president Bill Clinton said Wednesday that a
New Investigation – Shelters That Don’t Shelter the Needy
Léogâne, 15 March 2012 – A British humanitarian organization appears to have kept its promises by handing out over 200 emergency shelters in the mountains
[Devastating Fire at] Camp Lycée Toussaint
Mark Snyder and Ellie Happel, 14 March 2012 At two in the morning on Monday March 12th, 2012, the tents of Camp Lycée Toussaint in
Five Family Members Murdered in Port-au-Prince
Five Family Members Murdered in Port-au-Prince. By CHAN News Service, March 15, 2012 Five family members of Réginald Antoine were murdered on the morning of