Haiti Briefings on Mining, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Undermining accountability in the new gold rush: The Miners Next Door (HB77)
Claire Lauterbach; Andy Leak and Eve Hayes de Kalaf (eds) Haiti’s government heralds recent discoveries of gold and silver on

Les Mineurs d’à Côté (HB77)
Le gouvernement haïtien mise sur les récentes découvertes d’or et d’argent de son côté de la frontière pour sortir le pays de la

L’Enjeu de la Faim en Haïti (HB72)
Le Désastre d’une Politique Alimentaire qui s’en prend aux Producteurs

Suffering from Sanctions, Again (HB46)
The Haitian economy is more than just on its knees – it’s now a matter of skin and bones. Sanctions

Sowing the Seeds for a Grassroots Revival (HB34)
These are dark days in Haiti. The promise of economic renewal funded by international development aid has come to nothing.

Land Reform – the Number One Demand (HB19)
“Land is truly the Number One biggest demand of Haitian peasants who have fought and died for it, because only

Pot Threatens to Boil Over (HB15)
The patience of many thousands of Haitians finally snapped following the November 7th assassination of the Lavalas MP, Jean Hubert

Clampdown in Jérémie (HB6)
Last October, when the Haitian army refused to comply with the UN-brokered accord to restore democracy, the international community needed

Mourning Democracy in Haiti (HB5)
Before the September 1991 coup d’état, 1,500 sacks of charcoal per month were shipped from Jérémie on the western tip of
Haiti Support Group Updates on Mining, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Mining Report Launch: Byen Konte, Mal Kalkile?
Mining Report Launch. The Haiti Support Group welcomes the launch of a new report entitled Byen Konte, Mal Kalkile? Human

Food and the Multinational Takeover: The Global Fight for Food Sovereignty
The World Development Movement and the Haiti Support Group will be giving a workshop entitled Food and the Multinational Takeover:

Report Urges US Lawmakers to Promote Agricultural Imports from Haiti
Report Urges US Lawmakers to Promote Agricultural Imports from Haiti January 7, 2013, Caribbean Journal. Original article here The United States

USAID still falls short on Haitian agriculture
HSG from US State Department, Foggy Bottom, Washington DC, 05-12-2012 To a festively-decorated State Department foyer, for escort to the

Rescuing Haitian rice production – when will there be the political will?
HSG from Longworth Building, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, 13-11-2012 To Room 1302 of the Longworth House of Representatives Office Building

Co-operative Agrikol Bab. Grow it All: Making Water Flow Uphill
HSG, St Marc, March 2010 — When engineers came to Montaca just outside the central coastal town of St. Marc in

Sowing the seeds for a grassroots revival
Sowing the seeds for a grassroots revival. These are dark days in Haiti. The promise of economic renewal funded by

Haiti’s Natural and Built Environment
Even prior to the 2010 earthquake, the Haitian environment was considered to be an ecological disaster. Writing in 2008, in

No trees, no top-soil
No trees, no top-soil. Lethal mudslides highlight urgent need for reforestation, and agrarian reform – Haiti Support Group press release,

Neglected islanders resist plan for Haiti tourism revival
Neglected islanders resist plan for Haiti tourism revival. April 6, 2014 By David Adams, edited by Prudence Crowther. Article courtesy of

Special Edition New Internationalist: Haiti Two Years On
Beyond Relief Beyond Belief is the lead article in the analysis/special feature section of the January/February edition of the New

One year on – Haitian CSO ITECA speaks truth to power in UK parliament
One year on – Haitian CSO ITECA speaks truth to power in UK parliament. HSG reporting from Palace of Westminister,