Haiti Briefings on Natural Disasters and/or the Haiti Earthquake

Chronicle of an Election Postponed (HB38)
Elections for every single elected office in Haiti, save the Presidency and a third of the Senate, have been due

Unwelcome, Unwanted: Haitian Migrant Workers (HB37)
When a boat carrying some 400 Haitians ran aground just two miles off the Florida coast on New Year’s Day,

Death and Confusion – who Controls the Police? (HB36)
The question of criminal and political violence in Haiti has raised a great deal of controversy since the resignation on

Doing the Election Dance (HB35)
In 1990, the majority of Haitians were enthusiastic voters, but then saw their elected candidate overthrown by a military coup.

Sowing the Seeds for a Grassroots Revival (HB34)
These are dark days in Haiti. The promise of economic renewal funded by international development aid has come to nothing.

Fed Up with Violence (HB33)
In Creole, there are many ways to express a dilemma. But these days, most Haitians would probably tell you that

Collapse of Parliament Heralds Aristide Comeback (HB32)
The political crisis, simmering for the best part of two years, finally came to the boil in January. Parliamentary elections

Old Tricks, New Dog: US ‘Democracy Enhancement’ (HB31)
It is common knowledge that the United States uses covert operations and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to destabilize and

Hurricane George – Coup de Grace (HB30)
Rain brought by Hurricane George began to fall on the treeless mountainsides of Haiti on September 22. That night, the

US Makes a Mockery of Justice (HB29)
In a July interview with the US magazine, Emerge, Emmanuel Constant, the leader of the FRAPH death squad that murdered hundreds

Reappraising Vodou (HB28)
This special edition Haiti Briefing features an in-depth background on vodou, the religion of Haiti. Vodou is a major feature

Crack Appears in New Police Force (HB27)
Drug alert deepens as rocks of crack cocaine are found on sale in Cité Soleil.

The forgotten victims of Haiti’s earthquake
The forgotten victims of Haiti’s earthquake Source: CNN World January 10, 2014 Report by Chiara Linguori, Special to CNN. Article

HSG calls for an end to inhumane camp evictions
STOP INHUMANE EVICTION OF HAITI EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS. One the greatest scandals currently going on in Haiti is the increasing number of

Four Years On: Post-Earthquake Facts and Figures
Four Years On: Post-Earthquake Facts and Figures All information supplied courtesy of Amnesty International Haiti: Displaced people still leave in

Campaign for the Rights of those Displaced by Earthquake
Campaign for the Rights of those Displaced by Earthquake. On 18 July 2010 the Haiti Support Group launched its campaign

Beverly Bell on Disaster Capitalism in Haiti
Beverly Bell on Disaster Capitalism in Haiti. HSG from George Washington University, Washington DC, 11-04-2011 To Foggy Bottom, the appropriately

Infographic. Still in Shock: Haiti after the Earthquake
Infographic. Still in shock: Haiti after the earthquake Why Haiti is still suffering after the 2010 earthquake. On 12 January 2010, Haiti

Reconstructing Haiti: Our Comments
Reconstructing Haiti: Our Comments Haiti Support Group Executive Committee members Andy Leak and Mario Gousse took part in an expert

Aid and reconstruction in Haiti: A panel discussion to mark the anniversary of the 2010 earthquake
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 – 5:00pm At University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Panel discussion with:

Assembly plants are no quick fix after the quake
HSG from Port-au-Prince, 12-09-2011 Recently, Antèn Ouvriye (Workers Antenna) organized a conference in Port-au-Prince on the application of the minimum

The Earthquake. Our Assessment
The earthquake of 12 January – our assessment The earthquake, measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale was a natural phenomenon. However,

No New Beginning as yet Haiti experts tell Washington
HSG reporting from Washington DC, 22-09-2011 To the cavernous Washington D.C. Convention Center for the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative

Voice from Haiti: “We’re Tired of Living in Tents”
Voice from Haiti: “We’re Tired of Living in Tents” HSG reporting from Port-au-Prince, 03-10-2011 “We are people! We want homes,”