Protests Leave Lavalas Shaking (HB22)
Roadblocks, demonstrations and strikes – during the month of January generalised discontent was channelled into action in a wave of
Roadblocks, demonstrations and strikes – during the month of January generalised discontent was channelled into action in a wave of
Haitian workers in the capital’s assembly plants work in hot, airless, and dimly lit factories sewing gloves, underwear, sports clothes and
Following several weeks of shootings and bomb threats, former soldiers from the disbanded Haitian army are threatening more violence if
“Land is truly the Number One biggest demand of Haitian peasants who have fought and died for it, because only
“The first stage was when the police feared the people. The second stage that we are in now is the
New President of Haiti, Rene Préval, unveils his strategy to try to repair Haiti’s shattered economy.
So it’s farewell to President Aristide who hands over to his successor, René Préval, on February 7th. As the living
The patience of many thousands of Haitians finally snapped following the November 7th assassination of the Lavalas MP, Jean Hubert
Haiti’s parliamentary and local elections on June 25 resulted in a commanding victory for the Lavalas platform (PPL) supported by
In the Shadow of the Sweatshop . Also featuring information on Harold Pinter Haiti Exhibition. Haiti is a country laid
As well as paintings and ironworks by Haitian artists the exhibition features photos of Haiti by twenty international photojournalists here previewed
Nobody with an understanding of the Haitian political scene believed that the return of Aristide last October would mean that
There has been so little news in the mainstream media you could be forgiven for thinking that, with the return
Three years ago, who would have betted on President Aristide returning to Haiti? Let alone with the support of the
Will the invasion of Haiti happen? Does anyone know? Does Clinton know? As we go to press, sources in Washington
The United States has added teeth to the new United Nations sanctions imposed in May by announcing it will assist
The body of a well-known Aristide supporter, Dady Pierre, murdered on 10 March in Cité Soleil was found with his
Last October, when the Haitian army refused to comply with the UN-brokered accord to restore democracy, the international community needed